Would you like to learn more about computers and tablets? Do you want to hone your computer skills? Learn the basics of using a computer and mouse, creating an email, and other programs through hands-on activities each week. Take the first step by registering now.
Free drop-in help with technology ranging from, but not limited to, laptops, cell phones, setting up accounts, and Microsoft Office. Upcoming Events are listed here.
Talbot County Free Library offers patrons access to a variety of technology in-house, including free WiFi, computer access, printing, photocopying, scan-to-email and ADA compatible workstations.
Each of the TCFL branches has multiple WiFi networks available for free public usage. Feel free to connect your laptops and other mobile devices for convenience in accessing the Internet. Not all of the library's WiFi networks require a password, but the “TCFL Secure WiFi Password Needed” network is secured for your privacy and does require entering a password. If you plan to use this network, please ask for the current password at the Information desk.
The library has thirty (30) computers in the Easton branch and two (2) computers in the temporary St. Michaels location dedicated to public computer access. Each computer features a variety of software programs designed to facilitate Internet access, word processing, use of the library's eResources, and more. You can sign on for a one hour session using the 14 digit number on the back of your library card. For details and expectations regarding library computer usage, please see our Internet Use Policy.
Printing from the library's public access computers costs 10 cents per page for black and white printouts or 25 cents per page for full color printouts. Begin the printing process as you would on any computer (File > Print), select your choice of the Black and White or Color printer, and click Print to begin the process. A message will appear, notifying you of the cost of your print job. Click OK to acknowledge. If you have already deposited enough money into the printing account associated with your library card, you can go straight to the Print Release Station near the Information desk, scan your card, and release your print job. If not, you will need to stop at the Circulation desk first to deposit money into your printing account.
Please see our Wireless Printing page for information on sending print jobs from your device to the Library's printers. Wireless printing is 10 cents per page for black and white jobs and 25 cents per page for color printing.
Photocopies cost 15 cents each for black and white or 25 cents each for color copies. The photocopiers are self-serve, but if you encounter problems or need assistance, please let us know.
The photocopier in each branch is capable of scanning documents and sending the resulting PDF format computer files to one or more email addresses you enter on the display screen. This service is offered free of charge. If you need assistance, please let library staff know. TCFL does not offer public fax service at either library location. Information Desk staff can help direct you to local businesses that offer public fax service.
There is one ADA compatible workstation at each branch, provided by the Maryland Library for the Blind and Print Disabled to assist patrons with visual impairment. Each workstation features ClearView+ Speech, JAWS, and MAGic. If you need assistance with using this workstation, library staff have received basic training and can help get you started, or we can connect you with agencies like DORS, BISM, and LBPH that may be able to provide more thorough instruction.
For patrons who need to listen to audio content in the library, we request that headphones be used at all times. If you have forgotten your own headphones, you can purchase a set for $2 at the Circulation Desk.
Please see our Library Services page to learn about related services such as Basic Computer Tutoring and Help Using Library Resources.