WiFi Hotspots

Need Internet access at home or on the go?
Talbot County Free Library is now loaning WiFi Hotspots, so you can take the Internet with you! These devices can be borrowed, free of charge, by library cardholders 18 and older.
About the Devices
A WiFi Hotspot is a small portable device that enables users to connect their laptops, Chromebooks, smartphones, tablets, and other WiFi-enabled devices to the Internet through local cellular networks. The library's WiFi Hotspots, also known as Kajeet SmartSpots, operate on the Verizon cellular network. These devices are meant to be paired with your own laptop, chromebook, or other WiFi enabled device.
Getting Started
Each WiFi Hotspot comes with a Quick Start Guide (Guía de Inicio Rápido). This card explains how to power the device on and use it to connect to the Internet. If that card is missing, or you need additional help, please contact the library.
Quick Tips
To conserve battery power and to prevent unintended data usage, turn off the WiFi Hotspot when not in use. To do this, press and hold the power button for about 5 seconds, until the display shows “kajeet” with a white background, and then release the power button.
To check your Hotspot's daily data limit and current usage, go to kajeet.com/status and enter the device's 15-digit IMEI number found on the label on the back of the device, as well as on the label on the case.
Because of data limitations, these Hotspots are not recommended for downloading or streaming video content. This type of usage uses up the daily data supply quickly, leaving the device unusable until the next day.
If the WiFi Hotspot will not turn on, or turns off unexpectedly:
- Please note, the WiFi Hotspot's power button must be pressed and held for about 5 seconds, then released to power on (or to power off).
- If the screen goes dark, a quick press and release of the power button should reactivate the display, and confirm whether the device is still on.
- Try charging the device, with the included power cords. If it still will not turn on, contact the library.
If you are unable to access a Website using the WiFi Hotspot's Internet connection:
- The device may be overdue or may not have been checked out properly. After their due dates, these devices will no longer work until returned to the library.
- The daily data limit may have been reached. Go to kajeet.com/status and enter the device's IMEI number, found on its labels, to check its status.
- Check that you have selected the “Kajeet SmartSpot” WiFi network within the settings of your laptop or other device.
- The Hotspot may not be in range of a Verizon cellular tower. If the screen displays only 1 or 2 bars or shows a red X over the bars, try relocating it to an area with a stronger cell signal.
- If you see the message “Kajeet Sentinel. Sorry, this page is denied,” then the content has been blocked by our supplier's filter. If you believe this is in error, please let us know.
Extended Loan Hotspots
Thanks to funding from the Emergency Connectivity Fund, we can now offer a limited number of WiFi hotspots with a longer loan period. These are meant to facilitate Internet Connectivity for those in our community who do not otherwise have access to equipment or services sufficient to meet their educational needs. If that describes your situation, please ask about an Extended Loan Hotspot.
Borrowing Policies
- Standard Hotspots: 1 week loan period, no renewals.
- Extended Loan Hotspots: 4 week loan period, 1 renewal. Ask a staff member about eligibility requirements.
- No Hold Requests
- Must be returned to the Circulation Desk, not in the Bookdrop
- Cardholders 18 & up in good standing.
- Limit one device per card
- Borrowers are responsible for loss or damage. Full replacement fee is $100.
- Overdue fees are 10 cents per day, up to $5. After the due date has passed, devices will become inoperable until returned to the library.
We're Here to Help
If you have questions or concerns, or would like to make an appointment with someone who can help you get started or troubleshoot a problem, please contact the library. We would be happy to assist you.