Study Rooms
Talbot County Free Library's Main Branch in Easton has two study rooms to enable individuals or small groups to meet or have a quiet space to work during regular library hours. Study rooms are available at no cost.
- The library has first priority in the use of the rooms.
- The Information Desk staff is responsible for scheduling the rooms.
- Rooms are booked on a first-come, first-served basis on the day of intended use.
- Scheduling is done in person (not by phone or email).
- Patrons are limited to the use of one study room for two (2) consecutive hours per day.
- A person must be at least 14 years of age to occupy a study room. Patrons younger than 14 must have an adult 18 years of age or older present in the study room at all times during use.
- Furniture may not be brought into or removed from a study room without approval of library staff.
- Study rooms are available during library hours of operation. Individuals or groups must be out of the rooms fifteen (15) minutes prior to closing time.
- Responsibility for the room lies with the patron who reserves the room.
- Patrons who use the study rooms are expected to leave the rooms in their original order, free of trash.
- A room may be reassigned if it is left unattended for more than 15 minutes.
- Lights must remain on while the room is in use.
Limits on occupancy:

Study Room One: Seats up to three (3) people.

Study Room Two: Seats up to eight (8) people.