Support Your Library
Make a Gift
Your tax-deductible contribution makes the Talbot County Free Library more welcoming, better equipped, more convenient and a better place to learn and grow. Your gift helps young children discover the skills needed to learn to read, gives teens a place to study and engage their minds, and provides adults assistance and the resources needed to look for a job. Your support matters as it expands access for people of all ages to literacy, lifelong learning programs, and all of the wonderful resources available in your community library.
Donate online with our secure payment form.
Donate Materials
TCFL does not accept donated materials on a day to day basis. Please check our online calendar for scheduled donation days.
The Talbot County Free Library also accepts donations of books and other gently used library materials such as DVDs and CDs. Donated materials are reviewed for possible addition to the Library's collection, and materials that are not added to the collection are sold as part of the Library's ongoing book sale.
Everything You Need To Know About Donating Books to the Library (And What to Do With Them Instead)