Family Law Assistance
Free assistance available. Walk-In only. Any questions, call Ms. Alisha Dicus, Circuit Court Family Services Coordinator at 410-770-6806.
4:30 PM to 6:30 PM    Thu, Apr 4th
Main Library
Darkness at Noon: Total Solar Eclipse
On April 8th we will be treated to one of nature's most spectacular displays: a total solar eclipse. Join us as we welcome retired NASA astronomer Rich Isaacman who will tell us about this can't-miss stunning phenomenon. Event is free and open to the public. Light refreshments will be served.
6:00 PM    Thu, Apr 4th
Main Library
Digital Literacy Class
Do you want to learn more about computers and tablets? Do you want to hone your Microsoft 365 skills? Learn the basics of using a computer and mouse, creating an email, and other programs through hands-on activities each week. Registration is required due to limited seating. Call the library at 410-822-1626 or visit to reserve your seat.
10:00 AM to 11:30 AM    Fri, Apr 5th
Main Library
"Talbot People" Photo Exhibit in Main Meeting Room
Stop by during library hours to view the current exhibit of large photographs by photographer Steve Lingeman. Photos are on display now until April 30, 2024.
   Mon, Apr 8th
Main Library
National Library Week - April 7-13
Ready, Set, Library! Help us celebrate National Library Week, April 7-13. We have several programs happening at both branches during the week for children and adults. Attend a children's program to enter a drawing for a $50.00 gift card for ice cream. Come to an adult program to enter a drawing for a $50.00 gift card for coffee.
   Mon, Apr 8th
Main Library
One-on-One Computer Help
Need help with computer, Internet, online application or resume skills? Do you have a tablet, laptop, or smartphone and don't know what to do? Would you like to use the library's e-resources but are not sure how to do that? Our digital specialist can help navigate you through the basics. Begin by going to to make an appointment.
9:30 AM to 12:30 PM    Mon, Apr 8th
Main Library
Social Services Case Managers at Talbot County Free Library, Easton
A Case Manager will be at the library on Mondays beginning March 18th through the end of May from 2:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m. Please note the one exception to Mondays is when the library is closed Monday, May 27th for Memorial Day in which case the day is Tuesday, May 28th. Provides free, confidential, one-on-one guidance from a local Social Services case manager. Case managers can help with: Housing and food assistance; medical benefits; home energy & water assistance; child support; protective services, referrals to other agencies; and much, much more! No appointment necessary. But appointments can be made by contacting: Erin Andrew, Talbot County Department of Social Services, 410-770-5895 or 410-253-0285,
2:30 PM to 4:30 PM    Mon, Apr 8th
Main Library
Digital Literacy Class
Do you want to learn more about computers and tablets? Do you want to hone your Microsoft 365 skills? Learn the basics of using a computer and mouse, creating an email, and other programs through hands-on activities each week. Registration is required due to limited seating. Call the library at 410-822-1626 or visit to reserve your seat.
6:00 PM to 7:30 PM    Mon, Apr 8th
Main Library
Book Discussion: "Kin: Rooted in Hope" by Carole Boston Weatherford
Please join us for a book discussion of Carole Boston Weatherford's "Kin: Rooted in Hope". The Bulletin of the Center for Children called the book, "gorgeously rendered," and one "Kirkus Reviews" described it as "a striking work that reshapes the narrative around enslavement." Event is free and open to the public.
6:30 PM    Mon, Apr 8th
Main Library
Book donations accepted on a limited basis
The Friends of the Library are preparing for their book sale on April 26th and will be accepting items from 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. at the Easton Library in the Frederick Douglass Room. Donations limited to one bag or box of books and DVDs, in good condition please.
10:00 AM to 2:00 PM    Tue, Apr 9th
Main Library
Maryland State Library for the Blind and Disabled
Ashley M. Biggs, Marketing & Outreach Librarian for Maryland State Library for the Blind and Print Disabled (LBPD) will discuss the free services, equipment, and programs that LBPD offers to any resident of Maryland who cannot read or use regular print materials as a result of temporary or permanent visual or physical limitations.
10:00 AM to 11:00 AM    Tue, Apr 9th
Main Library
Story Time
Stories, songs and rhymes for the very young. For ages birth - 5 years, accompanied by an adult or caregiver. No registration necessary.
10:00 AM    Tue, Apr 9th
Main Library
National Library Week - April 7-13
Ready, Set, Library! Help us celebrate National Library Week, April 7-13. We have several programs happening at both branches during the week for children and adults. Attend a children's program to enter a drawing for a $50.00 gift card for ice cream. Come to an adult program to enter a drawing for a $50.00 gift card for coffee.
   Wed, Apr 10th
Main Library
Story Time & Craft
For children 5 and under, accompanied by an adult. Listen to stories, sing to live music, and create a craft. Please register by calling 410-745-5877.
10:30 AM    Wed, Apr 10th
St. Michaels Branch
Afternoon Chess
Recommended for ages 8-15. Learn and play chess. Snacks served. Please register at or call 410-822-1626.
4:30 PM    Wed, Apr 10th
Main Library
Memoir Writing
Thursday Writers will meet the second and fourth Thursday of the month at St. Michaels Library, in person. Learn how to preserve your family's history by writing and sharing your stories. Please pre-register for this program by calling 410-745-5877.
10:30 AM to 12:00 PM    Thu, Apr 11th
St. Michaels Branch
Young Gardeners: Seed Paper and Herb Gardens
For children in grades 1-4. Please register for this STEM event at or call 410-822-1626. Event is sponsored by the Talbot County Garden Club.
4:00 PM    Thu, Apr 11th
Main Library
Japanese Cherry Blossom Tea Party Celebration
Create Japanese crafts and enjoy a Japanese tea party. For children ages 4-8 accompanied by an adult. Please pre-register by calling 410-745-5877.
4:00 PM    Thu, Apr 11th
St. Michaels Branch
Talbot County Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Book Club
Meeting held at the Easton Library in the Main Meeting Room. The book being discussed is "A Land Twice Promised" by Noa Baum. To register, visit
6:00 PM    Thu, Apr 11th
Main Library
National Library Week - April 7-13
Ready, Set, Library! Help us celebrate National Library Week, April 7-13. We have several programs happening at both branches during the week for children and adults. Attend a children's program to enter a drawing for a $50.00 gift card for ice cream. Come to an adult program to enter a drawing for a $50.00 gift card for coffee.
   Fri, Apr 12th
Main Library
Digital Literacy Class
Do you want to learn more about computers and tablets? Do you want to hone your Microsoft 365 skills? Learn the basics of using a computer and mouse, creating an email, and other programs through hands-on activities each week. Registration is required due to limited seating. Call the library at 410-822-1626 or visit to reserve your seat.
10:00 AM to 11:30 AM    Fri, Apr 12th
Main Library
One-on-One Computer Help
Need help with computer, Internet, online application or resume skills? Do you have a tablet, laptop, or smartphone and don't know what to do? Would you like to use the library's e-resources but are not sure how to do that? Our digital specialist can help navigate you through the basics. Begin by going to to make an appointment.
9:30 AM to 12:30 PM    Mon, Apr 15th
Main Library
Social Services Case Managers at Talbot County Free Library, Easton
A Case Manager will be at the library on Mondays beginning March 18th through the end of May from 2:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m. Please note the one exception to Mondays is when the library is closed Monday, May 27th for Memorial Day in which case the day is Tuesday, May 28th. Provides free, confidential, one-on-one guidance from a local Social Services case manager. Case managers can help with: Housing and food assistance; medical benefits; home energy & water assistance; child support; protective services, referrals to other agencies; and much, much more! No appointment necessary. But appointments can be made by contacting: Erin Andrew, Talbot County Department of Social Services, 410-770-5895 or 410-253-0285,
2:30 PM to 4:30 PM    Mon, Apr 15th
Main Library
Digital Literacy Class
Do you want to learn more about computers and tablets? Do you want to hone your Microsoft 365 skills? Learn the basics of using a computer and mouse, creating an email, and other programs through hands-on activities each week. Registration is required due to limited seating. Call the library at 410-822-1626 or visit to reserve your seat.
6:00 PM to 7:30 PM    Mon, Apr 15th
Main Library
Book Discussion: "This Tender Land" by William Kent Krueger
The Easton Book Group (open to all). Any questions, contact Mary Wilson at
6:30 PM    Mon, Apr 15th
Main Library
Book donations accepted on a limited basis
The Friends of the Library are preparing for their book sale on April 26th and will be accepting items from 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. at the Easton Library in the Frederick Douglass Room. Donations limited to one bag or box of books and DVDs, in good condition please.
10:00 AM to 2:00 PM    Tue, Apr 16th
Main Library
Talbot County Master Gardeners: "Spring Ephemerals: Enchanting Woodland Flowers"
Join Master Gardener Volunteer, Janet Mackey, to learn about these ephemeral flowers and their fascinating roles in the ecosystem. Event is free and open to the public. Program sponsored by the Talbot County Free Library, University of Maryland Extension Office and the Talbot County Master Gardeners.
10:30 AM to 11:30 AM    Wed, Apr 17th
Main Library