Holiday Book Club kits ready for pick up
Ages 8-12. Enjoy reading, crafts and games. Registration limited and required at or by calling 410-822-1626. Pick up your book club kit starting November 20th that will contain all four books and an information poster. Participants read each book before the date of the club meeting. Holiday Book Club will meet Mondays: December 4th & 18th and January 8th & 22nd at 4:00 p.m.
   Mon, Nov 20th
Main Library
Toys for Tots: Donations Accepted
Join us as we collect toys for the Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots program. Donations collected at the Easton library until Tuesday, December 12, 2023.
   Mon, Nov 20th
Main Library
One-on-One Computer Help
Need help with computer, Internet, online application or resume skills? Do you have a tablet, laptop, or smartphone and don't know what to do? Would you like to use the library's e-resources but not sure how to do that? Our digital specialist can help navigate you through the basics. Begin by going to to make an appointment.
2:00 PM to 6:00 PM    Mon, Nov 20th
Main Library
Book Discussion: "The Violin Conspiracy" by Brendan Slocumb
The Easton Book Group (open to all). Any questions, contact Mary Wilson at
6:30 PM    Mon, Nov 20th
Main Library
Holiday Book Club kits ready for pick up
Ages 8-12. Enjoy reading, crafts and games. Registration limited and required at or by calling 410-822-1626. Pick up your book club kit starting November 20th that will contain all four books and an information poster. Participants read each book before the date of the club meeting. Holiday Book Club will meet Mondays: December 4th & 18th and January 8th & 22nd at 4:00 p.m.
   Tue, Nov 21st
Main Library
Story Time
Event held in the Childrens area at the Easton library. For children birth-5 years accompanied by parent or caregiver. Stories, songs and rhymes! Please register at or call 410-822-1626.
10:00 AM    Tue, Nov 21st
Main Library
Holiday Book Club kits ready for pick up
Ages 8-12. Enjoy reading, crafts and games. Registration limited and required at or by calling 410-822-1626. Pick up your book club kit starting November 20th that will contain all four books and an information poster. Participants read each book before the date of the club meeting. Holiday Book Club will meet Mondays: December 4th & 18th and January 8th & 22nd at 4:00 p.m.
   Wed, Nov 22nd
Main Library
St. Michaels Library Food Drive
The St. Michaels library is accepting canned and non-perishable goods until December 20. All goods donated will be given to the St. Michaels Community Center.
   Wed, Nov 22nd
St. Michaels Branch
Story Time & Craft
For children 5 and under, accompanied by an adult. Pre-register by calling 410-745-5877.
10:30 AM    Wed, Nov 22nd
St. Michaels Branch
Afternoon Chess - Not meeting today due to holiday
For ages 8-15. Learn and play chess. Snacks served. Please register at or call 410-822-1626. Please note: We are not meeting today due to the holiday.
4:30 PM    Wed, Nov 22nd
Main Library
Library Closed for Thanksgiving Holiday
Both branches of the library are closed for the Thanksgiving Day holiday.
   Thu, Nov 23rd
Main Library
Library Closed for Thanksgiving Holiday
Both branches of the library are closed for the Thanksgiving holiday.
   Fri, Nov 24th
Main Library
Holiday Book Club kits ready for pick up
Ages 8-12. Enjoy reading, crafts and games. Registration limited and required at or by calling 410-822-1626. Pick up your book club kit starting November 20th that will contain all four books and an information poster. Participants read each book before the date of the club meeting. Holiday Book Club will meet Mondays: December 4th & 18th and January 8th & 22nd at 4:00 p.m.
   Mon, Nov 27th
Main Library
Toys for Tots: Donations Accepted
Join us as we collect toys for the Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots program. Donations collected at the Easton library until Tuesday, December 12, 2023.
   Mon, Nov 27th
Main Library
One-on-One Computer Help
Need help with computer, Internet, online application or resume skills? Do you have a tablet, laptop, or smartphone and don't know what to do? Would you like to use the library's e-resources but are not sure how to do that? Our digital specialist can help navigate you through the basics. Begin by going to to make an appointment.
2:00 PM to 6:00 PM    Mon, Nov 27th
Main Library
Read with Tiger, a Pets on Wheels Therapy Dog
For readers ages 5-10. Read with Janet Dickey and her dog, Tiger! Bring your own book or pick out a book at the library. No registration necessary.
4:00 PM    Mon, Nov 27th
Main Library
Tarot: Art, Vision, History
Join us as we welcome Suzanne Sanders who explains the fascinating history of Tarot, with colorful examples from her collection of more than 500 decks. Come see what Tarot is, its meandering story, and why it is still popular after almost 600 years.
6:00 PM    Mon, Nov 27th
Main Library
Holiday Book Club kits ready for pick up
Ages 8-12. Enjoy reading, crafts and games. Registration limited and required at or by calling 410-822-1626. Pick up your book club kit starting November 20th that will contain all four books and an information poster. Participants read each book before the date of the club meeting. Holiday Book Club will meet Mondays: December 4th & 18th and January 8th & 22nd at 4:00 p.m.
   Tue, Nov 28th
Main Library
Give Today to the Talbot County Free Library Foundation through Mid-Shore Gives!
Your contribution allows us to provide the resources and programs that fulfill our community's lifelong learning needs. Go to to support TCFL with an online donation through Mid-Shore Gives. This will be a 24-hour fundraising event for Tuesday, November 28th. Your gift will help us to continue to offer diverse programming, cutting-edge 24-7 digital resources and much more. Thank you for choosing the library for your gift!
   Tue, Nov 28th
Main Library
Drop For Scotty Community Food Drive
Drop off canned and non-perishable goods during the months of November and December at the Easton library.
   Wed, Nov 29th
Main Library
Holiday Book Club kits ready for pick up
Ages 8-12. Enjoy reading, crafts and games. Registration limited and required at or by calling 410-822-1626. Pick up your book club kit starting November 20th that will contain all four books and an information poster. Participants read each book before the date of the club meeting. Holiday Book Club will meet Mondays: December 4th & 18th and January 8th & 22nd at 4:00 p.m.
   Wed, Nov 29th
Main Library
St. Michaels Library Food Drive
The St. Michaels library is accepting canned and non-perishable goods until December 20. All goods donated will be given to the St. Michaels Community Center.
   Wed, Nov 29th
St. Michaels Branch
Teen Night
For ages 13 and up. Make art with visiting artist, Sheryl Southwick. Pizza and snacks will be provided. Registration required at or by calling 410-822-1626.
6:00 PM    Thu, Nov 30th
Main Library
Cascading Carlos! (Event held at Anchor Church in Easton)
Please note that this free event is held at Anchor Church, 620 Goldsborough Street in Easton. Cascading Carlos educates all ages while performing a variety of juggling techniques. This show is part of For All Season Frosty's Holiday Village. Free activities including professional photos with Frosty, complimentary cocoa and much more.
5:00 PM to 7:30 PM    Fri, Dec 1st
One-on-One Computer Help
Need help with computer, Internet, online application or resume skills? Do you have a tablet, laptop, or smartphone and don't know what to do? Would you like to use the library's e-resources but are not sure how to do that? Our digital specialist can help navigate you through the basics. Begin by going to to make an appointment.
9:00 AM to 12:00 PM    Mon, Dec 4th
Main Library
Lunch & Learn: Guest Speaker is Kristin Rutkowski
Kristin Rutkowski will share stories and photographs from her book, "Her Helm: Chesapeake Bay." The book highlights women who make their living on the Bay waters as ferry operators, captains and more. An exhibit of the portraits can be seen at the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum thru September 2024. The Lunch & Learn Speakers series is sponsored by the Friends of the Library. The event is free and open to the public, and refreshments will be provided.
12:00 PM    Mon, Dec 4th
St. Michaels Branch
Social Services Case Managers at Talbot County Free Library, Easton
A Case Manager will be at the library on Mondays: 12/4; 12/11, and 12/18 from 2:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m. Provides free, confidential, one-on-one guidance from a local Social Services case manager. Case managers can help with: Housing and food assistance; medical benefits; home energy & water assistance; child support; protective services, referrals to other agencies; and much, much more! No appointment necessary. But appointments can be made by contacting: Erin Andrew, Talbot County Department of Social Services, 410-770-5895 or 410-253-0285,
2:30 PM to 4:30 PM    Mon, Dec 4th
Main Library
Holiday Book Club
Ages 8-12. Enjoy reading, crafts and games. Registration limited and required at or by calling 410-822-1626. The books are available upon registration. We will be discussing today the book, "Penina Levine is a Potato Pancake" by Rebecca O'Connell.
4:00 PM to 5:00 PM    Mon, Dec 4th
Main Library